I went through all of my visual loss and adjustment while living in this tiny apartment in North Augusta, SC. Both dogs loved to get in the twin bed with me. There is a Bed Snake Bat hanging on the wall that my friend, Kelly, gave to me. Back in 1995, I was still sorting out childhood shit and still had an aversion to any Bed Snake breed. Sippi looks young here. I used to call him my Big Red Devil. He was beginning to show me his true personality, specifically his counter surfing persona.
Author Archives: Denise James
Wil Feeds Brynna: Picture for February 1, 2009
While Jeff and Kristen crused the Carabbean, Theresa drove us with the children out to Fort DeSoto. Wil tried to feed Brynna; but she flat refused to eat for him. We figured that Jeff must not have ever tried feeding her; and decided she would only eat for a woman. Wil had experience with his friend, Johnny;s, children; so that wasn’t the issue. It was funny to watch Brynna clamp her mouth shut when Wil came anywhere near it with a spoon.
Butt to Butt: Picture for January 31, 2009
Max and Titan love to lay on the office floor while we do whatever on our computers. They are quite the pair laying butt to butt on the floor. They sure have a good life!
Burning Ass Wings: Picture for January 30, 2009
Burning Hot Buffalo Wing Street Wings from Pizza Hut are one in a very small group of hot things that can make Wil sniffle and tear up. Mom says that Wil burned his ass out from eating all that hot and spicy foods for so many years. I can’t go past the medium. I’ll have a case of the burning ass tomorrow; but that’s one thing Wil will never have again thanks to Jake.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-30
- We had a blast this morning! Took a BIG nap this afternoon. Going again tomorrow. #
- Wil ordered burning ass wings from Pizza Hutt; gotta take pictures of him crying for Jobina. #
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With Dee: Picture for January 29, 2009
We were driven over the bay to see Lex and Terry and Dee at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Lex and Terry did their show live this morning; and will do it again tomorrow morning. Titan got to see his buddies again; and Max got to meet them for the first time. We have been Lex and Terry listeners since 95 Rock in Augusta, GA brought them to town in 1998. We met a couple of the 98 Rock guys this morning; and they seemed pretty cool. I wore my 95 Rock Lex and Terry shirt; but now that we live here, I need a 98 Rock one. I hope we go back in the morning because I didn’t get any pictures with Lex in them today.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-29
- Bath time for the boys! Titan gets to see and Max gets to meet Lex and Terry in the morning. #
- Titan is clean; he just steps right into the tub for me. Max will be a different story. #
- Max behaved better this bath; bathroom clean; I showered off excess hair; ears fluched; and treats given. #
- Off to go see Lex and terry!! #
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Shadows of Bite the Snout: Picture for January 28, 2009
Our furniture was picked up from the house in Augusta, Georgia on April 11, 2007; and Edward and Nancy drove us down to St Pete. The boys had a few days to use the whole apartment as their playground as our furniture was to arrive in two more days. The camera caught the boys’ shadows as they engaged in their favorite game, Bite the Snout. As long as our boys are together and with us, they don’t care where we take them.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-28
- Going off to get my hair cut; and then off to the mall with Gin. WooHoo!!! #
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