Titan and Max wait patiently in the back of a friend’s car while gas and goods were purchased for a day at John’s Pass. My sister and niece visited for Thanksgiving in 2007. On this day, we ventured to John’s Pass to shop; ate at the Friendly Fisherman; and enjoyed a beautiful sunset on the Gulf of Mexico beach.
Author Archives: Denise James
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-15
- Just ordered a copy of Mirrors (Kiefer Sutherland) along with The Vanishing. #
- @WilJames: If it’s as furry, I’ll run. #
- @WilJames: I’m sure that will make you go back to having two lips on your organ instead. #
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Dog Wanna Be: Picture for January 15, 2009
Adriennah has always loved dogs and loves to pretend that she is one. Thanksgiving of 2006 brought the Bennetts down from Albany and Wil up from St. Petersburg. That was our last holiday season in the Schley Street house in Augusta, Georgia.
Cat And Mouse: Picture for January 14, 2009
It was a common occurance during our visit to Albany in September of 2008 for the Bennett pussy, Princess, and Max to tantilize, tease, and chase each other all over the house. They provided all of us with hours of entertainment.
CatDog: Picture for January 13, 2009
This is a picture of Titan stretching excitedly after I announced “Feed the dog!” He is very vocal and animated anyway; but when I mention food, he stretches very deliberately and stiffly like a giant cat and approaches me with little growls and grins.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-13
- Home, dogs fed, ready for 24. Wil cheated while I was gone and watched episodes 3 and 4. #
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’24’ Drinking Game (Part II): Picture for January 12, 2009
Even though Wil cheated while I was gone to the mall today (watching episodes 3 and 4) , he played the ’24’ Drinking Game tonight for Season 7 Episodes 3 and 4. We had 8 beers each for episodes 1 and 2 last night and 9 each for episodes 3 and 4 tonight. I actually topped him and had 10 tonight. It’s a good thing it only happens once a week from here on out; every one might think we are lushes. LOL!!! After all, we live on the edge… always.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-12
- 56 minutes and counting to ’24’. #
- OMG!!! What an awesome ’24’ night! What beer!! I can’t wait till tomorrow night!!! No work on Tuesday. #
- Waiting for bus to go to the mall. #
- Eating Chick fila. Papa Nikon is getting a cleaning. #
- Heading for Williams Park on bus. Papa Nikon is ready for action. #
- Met Wil and Max at Estellas for dinner. Yummmmm!!!! #
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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-11
- @24Fans: The leak looks like an inside job; I hope the leaker gets his/her ass burned b y FOX! Fuckers!! #
- 5 hours and 2 minutes til ’24’!! WooHoo!!! #
- @WilJames @arush: Be ready in the ’24’ Drinking Game room!! #
- @WilJames: You can’t shit anymore!!! #
- @WilJames: Jizz in your pants!!! #
- @WilJames: DNA – let’s play Samples R Us; Call in the CSI. #
- @WilJames: I’m going to watch that. Get out the baby wipes. #
- @WilJames: During ’24’. LOL!! #
- @Liamerven: Hell yeah!! Watch tonight!!! It won’t mess it up for you. #
- @WilJames: For the first commercial break. Right? #
- @WilJames: Too bad, Jack Bauer first. #
- @reevesman: They come in handy when a post-sex shower is unavailable. They’re not just for babies anymore. LOL!!! #
- 2 hours and 58 minutes till ’24’. #
- How about: ‘Do you lick or scrape?’ The middle of an Oreo cookie that is. LOL!! #
- @WilJames: If it’s crunchy, I’m ruuning faster and longer than Forrest Gump. #
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’24’ Drinking Game (Part I): Picture for January 11, 2009
We are excited and ready for ’24’s Season 7 premier. We understand that the first four episodes of the season were leaked onto the torrents. What a shame! Some fucker always tries to spoil the suspense of the wait. I hope FOX finds out who he/she is and burns his/her ass. Less than four hours to go. Woo Hoo!!!