We’re gearing up for the new season of ’24’. This is a picture of the remnants from an earlier edition of the ’24’ Drinking Game. Can’t wait!!!
Author Archives: Denise James
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-10
- Entertaining ourselves on Living on the Edge Radio. Join us! http://www.livingontheedgeradio.com. #
- @24Fans: He looks healthy; talked a little about ’24’, and some about his life. #
- @24Fans: Right- too much general blah. David Letterman can be strange. #
- @24Fans: Thanks! I like seeing Kiefer anyway. #
- @jessiepp: Thanks! Glad you are with us! #
- Going to shoot up – insulin; then chill, maybe read, then sleep. #
- @24Fans: I hope it’s NOT true. That will spoil it!! Fuckers!! #
- @cljackson1: Congratulations! Watch ou for the taxes. #
- Screwing off on a laxy Saturday. #
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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-09
- Check out my latest Wunder Photos: http://tinyurl.com/78hort #
- Less than 3 days away from Jack kicking some ’24’ ass!!! Woohoo!!!!! #
- Going to Bayview for lunch; then to get beer for ’24’ – and maybe some food too. LOL!!! #
- @WilJames: Oh Hell No!!! I’ll go on a full liquid diet – Natural Light! #
- Back from the store. The bag of meat got out of Wil’s cart and Max ate a steak. Oops!! #
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Sunny Moon: Picture for January 9, 2009
The moon has been awesome in the sky before sunset for the past few days. When I look up and see it in the sky, I just have to run for the Nikon. The moon in this picture has a slight hint of orange to it from the sun still being high in the late afternoon sky. I just love my pictures!!! I uploaded five of them to Weather Underground where they are put into the current weather rotation of Wunder Photos.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-08
- @WilJames: If you drink up all the beer now, it will be a dry episode. That’s 10 times worse than being in a dry county. LOL!! #
- @WilJames: Every chance you get, Walter. #
- @24Fans: Awesome Behind the Scenes!! Hurry up Sunday!!! #
- @WilJames: It’s an honor!!! #
- @WilJames: Hide Jake up in that armor and we’ll see what comes up. #
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Sitting Pretty: Picture for January 8, 2009
Max waits patiently for me to get off my ass and feed him and Titan. I like to announce ‘feed the dog’ around their dinner time. They usually start begging and wooing at me. Tonight, Max decided to sit pretty behind his daddy, look sweet, and waited patiently. They are so rotten!!! We sure love our boys!!
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-07
- Waiting on the storm to bring our could front – 70 degree days. Nice!!! #
- @arush: I’m THE crazy bitch around this house. Do you understand me? LOL!!! #
- @arush: I think we’ll keep ours. Thank you though. #
- @nycki96: Thanks! We already got our hump on. #
- Alms for the poor!!! It’s beans and weinies tonight. Still a step above Ramon Noodles. Alms for the poor!!! #
- ’24’ Season 7 – only 4 days, 1 hour, and 29 minutes!!!! Woohooo!!!! #
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Wolf Mouth: Picture for January 7, 2009
This picture of Max and Titan playing ‘bite the snout’ catches Titan posing as an evil fiend. He is advancing on Max with his ears flopped out and his mouth as wide open as it can get. Max is hunkered on the bed in launch position as if teasing Titan to put Max’s whole head in his mouth. The boys love to play! They have always loved using our bed as their wrestling ring – No Holds Barred.
Twitter Updates for 2009-01-06
- @24Fans: I can’t wait!!! Awesome!!! Get the beer ready!!!! NOW!!!! #
- Nice buzz! Great wings and fries! Practicing for ’24’ and counting down the days!!! Stock up on the beer!!! #
- @WilJames: Free condoms at the health department. You’ll have more success on the corner than me. Lick it up buddy!!! #
- @WilJames: No! I’m too fat right now! I would traumatize the good prospects. I’m sure your slender body would make a better impression. #
- @24Fans: 2 women in trailer – president is pretty tight lipped (0lder) FBI agent – no yawn, I imagine a tent might be pitched however. #
- @WilJames: You’re biassed! I do have a mouth that I can round rather well. Maybe I can do the 900 number instead. $9.95 a minute baby!!! #
- Wil is across the room dozing in his computer chair. Now, who can hold their beer better? LOL!! #
- Up and out the door; Wil’s last visit to surgeon today; KFC, Walgreens, and a good walk. #
- 5 more days till season 7! Hot as hell – 79.2, feels like 81! Wil is released from surgeon’s care. Yippeee!! #
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Sunset Moon: Picture for January 6, 2009
I love checking out the sky for photo opportunities! I think it’s really cool to be able to see the moon in the sky while the sun is still shining. For the past week or so Venus has been making appearances in the early night sky as well. This picture is one of the moon in the pre-sunset sky with a few fluffy clouds in the view. I have shared a few of my pictures on Weather Underground (Wunder Photos). This picture received pretty good ratings from other Wunder Photographers like me. I’ll continue to keep an eye to the sky.