Going to the Village Deli was a Halloween tradition for us when we lived in Augusta, GA. We lived within a few blocks from our favorite restaurant from August 1998 to April 2007; and again from September 2011 until we moved to Charlotte in October 2014. There were very few small children living nearby for trick or treating. After being inundated by large and intimidating teenagers in 1998; we made sure to be elsewhere on All Hallows Eve. The Deli was always decorated for the occasion with the staff wearing their best in costume show. My vote for Best In Dress went to Gene Gurley the year he waited on us in high heels, panty hose, and dress as a buxom woman. Wil and I were regulars, made many happy memories; and even had lunch with friends on our wedding day.
The staff worked together to make the Deli experience a great one for all customers. They took care of each other and their customers like family. They are supportive of the Augusta community. Even though we are no longer in Augusta, they still support my Augusta Lions Club donating gift certificates as door prizes for our annual Willard Pryor Memorial Golf Tournament held each October. We always receive a warm welcome back when we visit Augusta.
If you will be in Augusta for the Masters, Iron Man Competition, or just passing through; tell them Wil and Denise said ‘Hi’.
Until next time…