Thunder Buns: Picture for May 14, 2009

The last time I wore a dress was when I married Wil on November 14, 2003. Rosy and Srdjan’s wedding was an awesome event and deserved the honor of a dress on Aunt Denise. I don’t think there will be anything to top Rosy and Srdjan’s wedding; so don’t expect to see this again for many years to come. I hate wearing dresses; although this one was very comfortable. I couldn’t let this post go by without putting at least one picture in of me dressed in my favorite attire: shorts and nice shirt.
Titan and Max are posing like hams because I am holding a dog treat just above the camera. They look so pretty after coming home from their PetsMart grooming by Sue. She is excellent trimming their hair, ears, tails, and shaving their under-bellies to help them survive the Florida heat and humidity. The boys love a good day of pampering. They were ready for the trip to Augusta to look pretty for Rosy on her wedding day.
It has been more than twenty years since my brother taught me how to ie a necktie. I dressed up as a man for Halloween one year while my good friend, Jeff, dressed up as a woman. Since Wil will being wearing his nice suit for Rosy’s wedding, I went internet searching to refresh my knowledge of necktie tying. It took awhile, but I finally got it (again). Woo Hoo!! Playing with hubby’s necktie? Kinky!!
Titan and Max are spoiled rotten. They enjoy sharing our chips and other treats. They were giving me such cute beggy faces last night, that I had to share them with you. Either, this afternoon or tomorrow morning, the boys will be getting baths for Sinco de Mayo and more importatly, for Rosy’s wedding. I will put pictures of them sporting their handsome red bow ties at the wedding after we get back home next week. Gotta love those rotten boys!!
As Leader Dogs, Titan and Max are trained to guide us pulling a cart behind us. This makes our lives so much easier and adds to our independence. When we go for a big load of groceries, we each pull a cart. I always amaxe the Winn dixie staff by cramming an unbelievable amount of items in each cart. At Leader Dog, we were taken to Myers or Wal Mart and worked with our dog and a grocery cart. While at Jeff and Kristen’s I pulled Brynna backwards in her stroller to walk Adrie to her bus stop. Brynna thought it was the best thing ever! We sure did need the grub seen in the above picture.
Max and Titan sit pretty in the entry way to our kitchen begging for a piece of bread. I had the partial loaf sitting on top of my head so they would look up for the camera and pose nicely. As you will see in the picture belor, I just crawled out of bed and look like hammered dog shit (no fuck hair though). The boys got their bread treats and Wil and I had grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Yummy!!!
Wil and I attended our first Rays game at Tropicana Field yesterday. It was a close game between the Rays and Yankees till the end when the Yankees pulled out the winning run. Even though the Rays lost, I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense of the game. The fans were wonderfully rowdy; and I enjoyed watching the Yankees fans get their feathers ruffled. Titan and Max wore their Rays bandanas and received lots of attention and compliments. We sat on the Party Deck which looks out over the field from the outfield behaind second and third bases. With a pair of high powered binoculars, I would be in heaven up there. We took the radio with us and had no problem following the game. We received Rays Championship cow bells as opening week for them is also Championship week. In the picture our two black championship bells sit on the botton as they are bigger than the other cow bells. Atop those sit our two yellow Rays World Series cow bells. The topper is a blue Rays cow bell that a relative gave Wil when he was hospitalized last October. I tried for days to get him a cow bell; but they were always sold out. We finally got our World Series cow bells while they were playing games four and five in Philadelphia. We had so much fun!!! I can’t wait to go again!!
Our boys support us in very imaginative ways. They share our love for beer; and don’t mind carrying one or two for us. They also volunteer as beer can holders when table space is lacking. Their hard work does not go unnoticed however. They are amply rewarded with their own beer treat on special occasions. We sure love our boys!!