Titan and Army Ranger are quite a pair!! Titan, 8 1/2, and Army Ranger, almost 1 1/2, play together like two puppies. These two seem to be in perpetual motion when they are together. We could be filthy rich if we could bottle and sell that puppy life energy. They look so cute together!!
Category: Picture of the Day
Psyching Up For ’24’: Picture for March 11, 2009
Wil psyches himself up for another ’24’ adventure. We had our patio screened in almost a year ago. We both enjoy spending hours and hours out there in the fresh air. Florida is the perfect place to have a screened porch as it is rarely too cold to sit outside. This season of ’24’ is awesome!!! I can’t wait till next week!!!
Titan’s Treasure: Picture for March 7, 2009
Titan has so much fun when he gets to play in the yard. He is prancing with a huge Nylabone in his mouth. He looks so happy and proud of himself. My baby puppy is beginning to look like a little old man. It’s hard to believe that I got him seven years ago; and he is now 8 and 1/2. This picture is evidence that he still has plenty of puppy life in him.
Lick It Up Buddy!: Picture for March 8, 2009
Revised March 19, 2009
Picture removed as it was posted without written permission from the person in it with Max.
Like father, like son!! That is true of Wil and Max who both love a good brew. Max was definitely ‘off duty’ as he enjoyed his weekend. Lick it up buddy!!!
Sitting Pretty For Beer: Picture for March 9, 2009
’24’ Redneck Style: Picture for March 10, 2009
We were broke as hell; but a nice person came to the rescue. We mooched a gallon of Mick Ultra shown here in an iced tea jug for this week’s ’24’ Drinking Game. We shared great memories of our Alaska crise from 2007 by using our tall pilsners from Squatters in the Salt Lake City airport. Established in 1989, the Salt Lake City Brewing Co. gave us a nice sampling of the local taste while we waited to fly back to the east coast. Thanks to the Kegorator, we not only played the Drinking Game in it’s blind friendly format; but adapted the Rednick Style seen above for it’s survival in these sucky economic times. Lick it up, buddy!!!
Titan on Augusta Porch: Picture for February 6,
I’m way behind on my Picture of the Day entries. I will be updating these as I have installed my favorite phot editing software on the laptop. This picture of Titan was taken on a nice day that we had a cookout using Wil’s new gas grill that his parents gave him for graduation. Titan sits pretty waiting for attention from Adriennah before she moved to Albany,NY.
My New Toy: Picture for February 5, 2009

Why have I been slacking on posting my Picture of the Day? This picture makes it self explanatory. I have been playing with my new laptop. Wil is getting a Netbook and I got the laptop for our new school adventure which will hopefully begin in May. It is a very nice system that Wil spotted on Office Max for 588.00 after the inclusion of taxes. It has a 2GHZ Duo Core processor with 2MB cache; 4GB RAM; 250GB Hard Drive; DVD R/W optical drive with double layer support; 15.6 inch display; integrated wireless card with blue tooth; card reader; built in webcam and microphone; and weighs about 5 pounds. The battery life is only 3 hours; but I can get an extra one. It runs Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit and has a very sensitive touch pad with tapping technology. The keyboard is also very responsive with a very light touch. It also has a number pad like my desktop which makes it easier for me. ZoomText now has a 64bit beta that I am running with no problems. This should serve my needs well for some time to come.