Why have I been slacking on posting my Picture of the Day? This picture makes it self explanatory. I have been playing with my new laptop. Wil is getting a Netbook and I got the laptop for our new school adventure which will hopefully begin in May. It is a very nice system that Wil spotted on Office Max for 588.00 after the inclusion of taxes. It has a 2GHZ Duo Core processor with 2MB cache; 4GB RAM; 250GB Hard Drive; DVD R/W optical drive with double layer support; 15.6 inch display; integrated wireless card with blue tooth; card reader; built in webcam and microphone; and weighs about 5 pounds. The battery life is only 3 hours; but I can get an extra one. It runs Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit and has a very sensitive touch pad with tapping technology. The keyboard is also very responsive with a very light touch. It also has a number pad like my desktop which makes it easier for me. ZoomText now has a 64bit beta that I am running with no problems. This should serve my needs well for some time to come.