Yes, we are in Albany, NY for the month.  Wil is excited about coming of Fall and Winter.  My bones, on the other hand, don’t like cold weather.  I am looking forward to a break from the eternal heat and humidity of Florida.  Kristen and Jeff brought us up to help with Adrie (now 8) and Brynna (14 months) while she is recouperating from the rebuilding of her arch and repair of some tendon issues.  Titan is enjoying walking Adrie to and from the bus stop while Max is getting a taste of the city with Wil.  Wil has been approved for 55b employment in New York state (jobs allocated for disabled persons).  Now, he just needs a good job with insurance so that I can receive what I need medically.  Kristen is doing well from her surgery.  Brynna is one smart cookie!  She knows how to pull the changing table drawers open and have a treasure hunt in them.  She watched me pull the knobs off and put them away, fussing at me the entire time.  She is very sneaky with Wil and Jeff and knows that neither can see what she has in her hands.  She will hold a toy in one while getting into other things with the other.  When Jeff and Wil try to see/feel what she has, she puts it down.  When they tell us that she has nothing, she picks it back up again.  She is full of life and we could really make a fortune if we could bottle and sell her energy levels. 

We will have to move from Florida.  The only good thing that came out of our move to Florida is my sister meeting John Carson.  She will be staying which means I can become a snow bird if I want to.  Otherwise, my allergy to all sea food has been intensified by the addition of shark meat.  It was a nice place for me to recover from working 20 years for Family and Childrens Services in Georgia.  I haven’t thought too much about it since we got here 11 days ago.  The people are really nice here which is a drastic change from St Petersburg.  We went to the ACB meeting here last night; and I must say that the blind here seem nicer as well.  I think we will like it here just fine.  When the snow comes, I will hide in the house while Wil ventures out to work.  Screw the Florida heat and humidity!!  Screw the lack of employment and medical insurance thanks to a certain company that can’t be named!!  And, Screw shark meat!!!

Tomorrow Titan will be 8 years old.  I got sugar cookies for him and Max to celebrate from a local bakery called Carousel’s.  I think the boys will appreciate the weather up here too.

Until next time…

6 Beer Episode

Now (take a drink) you can listen to me, Wil, and Amanda demonstrating how blinks play the “24′ Drinking Game.  Here is Season 6 Episode 21.

Below is a copy of my May 4th post from Living On The Edge on the ’24’ Drinking Game:

Wil and I first learned of the ‘24′ drinking game on our favorite Augusta radio station, WCHZ – 95 Rock.  DJ’s Jordan Zeh and Michelle Mitchell talked about it on their show following the airing of the previous night’s episode.  Wil went perusing the web and found the rules for the ‘real’ ‘24′ drinking game at  Wil and I believe that there are many ‘24′ fans in the blink community.  As a token of our sense of community mindedness, we have adapted the ‘24′ drinking game so that blinks and squints alike can enjoy its full benefits – getting totally shit faced in sixty minutes.  By the end of each episode most players probably can’t tell you when the fuck it all took place.

Rules for Blind ‘24′ Drinking Game:  We stick mostly to the one swallow/drink per incident in order to refrain from puking on our shoes or shitting down our legs before the end of the episode.  If you take huge gulping swallows like Wil, you only get one per incident.  If you take small gulps like me, you get two.  You will find that one huge and two smalls will have the beers empty at the same time.

Take a drink in response to hearing the following words and phrases:  Now, Jack Bauer, terrorist, damn it, son of a bitch, do you understand me, let me see your hands, Jack says please, and a catastrophic event is alluded to (ie.- hundreds of people could die, multitude of lives are at stake, etc…)

Take a drink whenever there is a split screen.  There is an audible cue for each time a split screen appears or changes to another split screen.  This audible cue makes this program feature especially accessible for the blind.  It’s as if the ‘24′ creators had us in mind when producing the program.

Take a drink when Jack Bauer defies orders from anyone; kills anyone (if you can tell that he really is the killer); and threatens to or actually does inflict bodily harm on anyone (my favorites being threatening to cut out the eyes of Walt Cummings and putting the plastic bag over Graham’s head) .  

Two drink/swallow Exceptions:  A referece is made to Terri (Bauer’s dead wife) and David Palmer’s assassination; when a main character dies; when a supporting character from a previous season shows up (ie. – Nina, Charles Logan, Audrey Raines); when CTU goes into lock down status; and when the main villain changes.

At least in the blink community, we don’t ever have to worry about drinking and driving.  As for you sighted light slaves, give up the car keys and pass out on the floor after the show.  Enjoy!!!

Check out the following e-mail I received today from our friend, Mike.  Click on the link and enter the contest.

Serotek’s Accessible Digital Lifestyle is a hot topic and getting hotter.
Here’s your chance to add some sizzle to your life by participating in our online survey and enrolling to win a complete digital lifestyle makeover.
Here’s what you can win:
ASUS 8G 2 pound Netbook PC with 1 gigabyte of main memory and an 8
gigabyte hard drive fully equipped for accessible, wireless, networking
A complete Serotek SAS package including System Access Mobile; four
years of System Access Mobile Network; and Neo Speech

Victor Reader Stream audio book player

Zen Stone MP3 player

1 copy of any Mobile Speak screen reader courtesy of Code Factory

The digital lifestyle makeover is worth more than $2,000 and all you have to do is answer a few really easy questions. What’s to lose? Now is your chance to get hot and warm up your life with Serotek’s fully accessible digital lifestyle.

The winner of our Summer Sizzle contest will be drawn on September 7, the Sunday after Labor Day, on ACB Radio’s Marlaina program, and the winner must be at home to win.

Of course you don’t have to wait to win to get access and be accessible.

You can start your makeover now. This summer we’re putting the Sizzle in accessibility. If you’re one of the first 100 people to sign up for Serotek’s four-year software as a service package, for only $24.95 per month, in addition to System Access Mobile for two computers and a memory stick; a four-year membership to the System Access Mobile Network, and Neo Speech, we’ll send you a ZEN Stone MP3 player at no charge. Who says accessibility is just about your job? Serotek provides you Life Access With Speech.

For more information please visit Serotek on the web at and click the Summer Sizzle link.

Have a great summer!!!

Until next time…