Our family of seven, Papa, Mama, and us five children, were blessed to live in the same house with Gramps and Grandmother (maternal) for the first nine years of my life. Gramps spoiled us rotten as is one of the rights of grandparents. There is no doubt in my mind, heart, or soul that his love for me gave me the needed spark to live that spurred me on through a difficult childhood. His character and personality taught me more about life than any written or spoken words ever could. Gramps’ outlook on life was always positive; and he focused on seeking the good in others. I learned to laugh and develop a healthy sense of humor that is an integral part of my being. He made life fun. As soon as I learned to count, he taught me how to play poker; count money; dicker for the lowest price; and count seconds between a lightning strike and the responding thunder clap. His attitude toward others was open and never confrontational. I learned never to go to bed angry. He taught me more by the way he lived his life and treated others than he ever knew. His laid back demeanor taught me not to sweat the small things in life. I learned the rules of baseball listening to games on hot Summer afternoons; and have been a Braves fan since their move to Atlanta in 1966. Liberace was a household word as well as a New Year’s Eve tradition. Gramps planted many seeds of a life well lived; and I hope that these have grown in me and shine brightly today.