As The Feathers Fly

Penny, a Golden Retriever, and Coco, a gray Cockatiel, are nose to beak.
Penny and Coco are nose to beak.
Coco, a gray cockatiel, spreads his wings as Penny, a Golden Retriever, sniffs him.
Coco spreads his wings as Penny checks him out.

Penny’s true Golden Retriever nature shows when it comes to getting along with our cockatiels, Jack Bauer and Coco. Titan and Max were gentle and good with the birds, even letting them have back rides. Chip is also laid back and pretty much ignores them when we have them out of their cages. Penny, on the other hand, is a totally different story. She may see them as awesome dog toys. Better yet, she sees them as a Scooby snack! Penny loved to nose the cages to make the birds flutter their wings. The ‘leave it’ command was very popular; and I am surprised that Coco has not repeated it yet. The first time that Jack flew from her cage in front of Penny, in February of 2014, the pup chased her and got a tail feather. I think that Jack released the feather as a defense mechanism because she seemed fine otherwise.

Progress has been slow for Penny’s predatory relationship with Jack and Coco. By March of 2015, the birds were able to be out of their cages for thirty minutes before Penny passed the excitement point of no return. Coco seem more at ease with Penny and sat on my lap beak to nose with Penny. Before coming home with Penny and Chip, the birds came out of their cages daily for human contact and play time. They seem no worse for ware for their lack of freedom during this prolonged adjustment period. Jack is almost five and Coco four years old. Penny and Chip just turned three. The birds throw seed treats to the dogs? Peace offerings? Hopefully as they all age and mature, calmness will ensue and freedom restored.


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